Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Just a reminder that we will be beginning our only fundraiser for the year-our Magazine Subscription Renewal Drive on September 2nd. We will give out lots of incentive prizes for students really getting out and selling or getting their parents to get subscription renewals. We try to just have one main fundraiser each year, so let's get it done! Thanks!-Mrs. Steele

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Chaffin Jr. High Band

2008-2009 Calendar

*Attendance Required

+Attendance Strongly Recommended

^^-Only one of these dates will be selected at a later time.

July 28-29 Mon-Tues+ Percussion Rehearsal 1:30-3:30pm

August 4-8 Mon-Fri Pre-School Rehearsals Begin Time-1:30- 3:30pm, Percussion till 4:30pm

August 11-14 Mon-Thurs Pre-School Rehearsals 4-6pm

August 15 Friday Pool Party 5-7:30pm-TBA

August 18 Monday School Starts

August 18 Monday Band Parents Meeting-Band Room 7:00pm

September 4 Thursday* Football vs. Ramsey-H-Southside Stadium

September 2-16 Band Fundraiser-Magazine Subscriptions

September 11 Thursday* Football vs. Kimmons-A-Northside Stadium

September 18 Thursday* Football vs. Greenwood-H-Southside

October 2 Thursday* Football vs. Harrison-H-Southside

October 9 Thursday* Football vs. Darby-A-Northside Stadium

October 14 Tuesday Russellville Majorette/Colorguard Invitational

October 16 Thursday* Football vs. Trinity-H-Southside

October 21 Tuesday* Region Marching Contest-Northside-TBA

October 23 Thursday* Football vs. Butterfield-H-Southside

October 30 Thursday* Football vs. Coleman-H-Southside

November 3 Monday All-Region Jazz Tryouts-Coleman Jr. High

November 6 Thursday* Football vs. Ramsey-A-Buck Wells Stadium

November 8 Saturday All-Region Jazz Band Clinic-Van Buren H.S.

December 9 Tuesday* PTA Christmas Concert-Chaffin Gym-7:00pm

December 13 Saturday+ Junior Clinic Tryouts-Dardanelle

January 16/17 Fri./Sat. All-Region Band Clinic-Fort Smith

February 3 Tuesday* Parent Appreciation Concert-Chaffin Gym-7:00pm

March 6-7 Fri/Sat.+ Region Solo and Ensemble-Russellville

March 23-27 Spring Break

March 19 Thursday^^ Concert Performance Assessment-Alma

April 7-9 Tues-Thurs^^ Concert Performance Assessment-Alma

May 11 Monday* Spring Concert-Chaffin Gym-7:00pm
May 18 Monday+ Band Awards Picnic-Ben Geren Park

May 25 Monday* Rodeo Parade

Monday, August 4, 2008

First Band Rehearsal!

Wow! What a great first rehearsal we had today! The band played great today! We had 125 students in attendance and should have even more tomorrow. Everyone needs to be working on their music each day so that they can come back prepared and we can get alot accomplished during our time together.

Band fees are due on August 11th so be sure and bring that in this week.

Please make plans to be at the our swimming party on August 15th from 5-7:30! It's going to be alot of fun and you will get to know everyone better.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Marching Season On Its Way!!!

Well, summer is full swing and that means that Marching Season is on its way! Our show this year is going to be "Songs of the 70's" with lost of cool artists and their songs! So far, we are looking at several options that include songs from Kiss, Queen, and the Doobie Brothers! Check back often for more news! Until then, everyone enjoy your summer!!! Mrs. Steele

Monday, April 7, 2008

Concert Assessment Details

All 8th and 9th Grade Band students will need to be sure to bring their SOLID black shoes and black crew type socks to school with them on Friday. 8th Grade band members will be dismissed at 9:39 and will return to school around 2:15pm. 9th Grade band members will be dismissed at 10:15 and should be back at Chaffin by 4:20pm. The band parents will provide a pizza lunch since we will need to eat early. More details to follow.....

Friday, April 4, 2008

Region Assessment Schedule

The Chaffin Bands will be performing at the Region II Concert Assessment on April 11th at the Alma Performing Arts Center.

8th Grade Band will be performing at 12:30pm
9th Grade Band will be performing at 3:00pm

We will post more information sometime this weekend.